CPRE’s hedgerows petition handed in to DEFRA

CPRE’s hedgerows petition handed in to DEFRA

Hedgerow petition - Jess Hurd

National and local CPRE staff head towards Defra (Copyright Jess Hurd)

A petition signed by almost 50,000 supporters has been handed to Edward Barker, Defra’s Director of Natural Environment, Trees and Landscapes, by staff and volunteers from national and local CPRE groups. The petition calls for the government to set a target to increase our hedgerow network by 40% by 2050, as recommended by the Climate Change Committee (CCC). The hand-in marks a key milestone for our #40by50 hedgerow campaign.  For more on this story go to https://www.cpre.org.uk/news/cpres-hedgerow-petition-handed-in-to-defra/

To find out more about CPRE’s hedgerows campaign go to https://www.cpre.org.uk/what-we-care-about/nature-and-landscapes/hedgerows/