
We value our countryside for its beauty, diversity and tranquillity. We want a countryside that is used and valued by everyone, and where people are in tune with the environment and aware of their impact on it.

Star Count 2023 – 17-24 February

Friends looking up at night sky- copyright Jess Hurd

Star Count 2023. Image copyright Jess Hurd.

Star Count, CPRE’s annual citizen science project, takes place between 17-24 February 2023.. Last year, thousands of you took part…

Feargal Sharkey’s mission to protect England’s rivers and streams

Hartford - Great Ouse (Gareth Ridewood)

Hartford - Great Ouse (Image by Gareth Ridewood)

The Northern Irish former punk singer Feargal Sharkey has turned his legendary energy to a new cause – that of England’s beleaguered and abused rivers and streams. He writes about the threats to our natural…