
We value our countryside for its beauty, diversity and tranquillity. We want a countryside that is used and valued by everyone, and where people are in tune with the environment and aware of their impact on it.

Night Blight

The Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) and the British Astronomical Association’s Campaign for Dark Skies (CfDS) came together in late 2009 to run a survey about how light pollution is affecting people’s lives.

Local Green Spaces: new research proves their value to people and nature

New CPRE research has found that a total of 6,515 Local Green Spaces have been designated in the decade since their introduction. Combined, they total 30,000 acres of protected green space – an area greater than the city of Manchester.

The majority of these spaces are not open countryside, but the small, undeveloped patches that provide millions of appreciative people with a daily dose of nature. That’s why CPRE has conducted the first ever study of the impact of the Local Green Space designation, which allows local people to protect places of special value to the community.