Sustainable Transport

How we travel and plan transport impacts on the environment and our quality of life. We need to plan our transport so that new housing, jobs, shops and services are close to public transport or within easy walking or cycling distance.

Transport Action Network A428 Challenge Crowdfunding appeal: Halt climate chaos and the attack on nature

Transport Action Network has launched a fundraising appeal to support their legal challenge to the construction of the £1billion A428 Black Cat to Caxton Gibbet improvement, part of the supposedly cancelled Oxford-Cambridge Expressway. To find out more, to get involved or to make a donation go to


Every village, every hour 2021 buses report

This report builds upon previous research from CPRE, the countryside charity into rural ‘transport deserts’ to set out what a comprehensive bus network for England would look like, with services to every village every hour, and the scale of investment we need to make this vision a reality.  Read the report

New Luton arrival flightpaths and hold bring noise blight to Cambridgeshire. What can you do?

We recently campaigned against proposals by London Luton Airport and NATS (formerly National Air Traffic Services) to impose a new airplane holding stack over parts of Huntingdonshire.