
About the Blog

Lizzie Bannister blogs about the Cambridgeshire countryside. She is a Trustee and volunteer at the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Branch of CPRE.

In Lizzie's own words:

As an avid horse rider, I value the countryside for its support of my hobby and my lifestyle. This includes enjoyment in National Trust places, visits to places in England and local walks. I appreciate how a healthy countryside helps to sustain me in my life and the lives of other people.

I have lived in the Fenland countryside for half of my life, including living on a smallholding with animals, surrounded by a sea of arable land.

My master's degree in Conservation Management helps to inform my knowledge and understanding of issues and aspects of the countryside.

I am passionate about ensuring the health of both people and the countryside. I believe that preserving this link can secure a great future for us all.

A Historic Reason Why Countryside Protection Is A Must…

Alongside the obvious ones such as food production and recreation, history itself is a brilliant reason why the countryside is important and deserves protection.

There were fewer building in our countryside in the past, and we didn’t have the sprawling urban areas and infilled spaces we have now. It is important to keep planning laws respectful of our countryside if we want the economic…