Ouse Washes Middle Level Barrier Bank raising works – update

Ouse Washes Middle Level Barrier Bank raising works – update

We have received an update regarding the Welney Barrier and road closure:  This year's work is currently going well, and the works required to be carried out under the road closure at Welney are nearly complete. The road is due to open, as programmed, on Thursday 25 August at 5.30pm.  The road will open with two way traffic lights from 25/08/2022 to 16/09/2022. 

The barrier work is programmed to be completed by the end of September. 

Click here to visit the virtual room  https://eaousewashesbanks.co.uk.  The room will remain open until September.

Click here to read the Ouse washes bank raising works August newsletter.

For further information about the Environment Agency and the Ouse Washes Section 10 works visit https://consult.environment-agency.gov.uk/east-anglia-c-e/ouse-washes-section-10-works/