CPRE says Home Builder’s Federation’s housing slump claim is ‘fear mongering’

CPRE says Home Builder’s Federation’s housing slump claim is ‘fear mongering’

New building, West Cambridge Site by Hugh Venables

New building, West Cambridge Site by Hugh Venables

CPRE strongly disagrees with claims made by The Home Builder’s that changes to planning policy could lead to a huge slump in the number of homes built annually. Commenting on these claims, Tom Fyans, interim CEO of CPRE said: ‘We strongly disagree with this blatant fear mongering. Local authorities will still be expected to provide more land for housebuilding. But it’s welcome that in future they’ll be put under less pressure to allow large scale building on our precious countryside”.  To read the full story, go to https://www.cpre.org.uk/news/home-builders-federations-housing-slump-claim-is-fear-mongering-we-say/