Hedgelife Help Out – the results are in!

Hedgelife Help Out – the results are in!

Two young girls looking at hedgerow

Photo © Jess Hurd

CPRE’s Hedgelife Help Out project (in collaboration with The Tree Council) received over 2,100 submissions, including a number from Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. It has proved to be a huge success and, what’s more, a vast majority found it great for wellbeing and felt more connected to nature.

The project was based around an area CPRE cares about a lot – hedgerows. It took the form of a straightforward ‘survey’ and asked people to go out and spend time near a hedgerow, reporting back what they saw, the wildlife they found, and how the experience made them feel.

To read more, and to view an interactive map of the results, go to https://www.cpre.org.uk/news/the-hedgelife-help-out-results-are-in/