AGM 26th October 2023 – Dr Rob Larter, British Antarctic Survey, confirmed as guest speaker

AGM 26th October 2023 – Dr Rob Larter, British Antarctic Survey, confirmed as guest speaker

We are delighted to welcome to our online AGM guest speaker Dr Rob Larter of the British Antarctic Survey (BAS), who will talk about “The future of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet and implications for sea-level rise”.

Rob Larter

Dr Rob Larter is a marine geoscientist and is the UK science lead in the Science Coordination Office for the International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration (ITGC). His research focus is on how and why ice sheets changed before the era of satellite observations over time periods spanning decades to millions of years, and how this can inform predictions of future change. He has also been closely involved in specification of the science capabilities on the RRS Sir David Attenborough and in the commissioning of those capabilities.  You can read more about Dr Larter’s work at

The AGM and talk is online via Zoom and free to attend.  Please let us know no later than 19th October if you’d like to attend, by emailing