CPRE’s rooftop renewables supporter survey: the results

CPRE’s rooftop renewables supporter survey: the results

Roof with solar panels - Leo Reynold

"Roof with solar panels" by Leo Reynold

A survey of over 2,600 CPRE supporters shows widespread support for rooftop solar – both as a government priority and on new homes.

The survey, conducted in November 2023, was designed to give CPRE supporters an opportunity to get their views across on our rooftop solar campaign, and rooftop solar in general.

In total, 95% of respondents felt that the government should take a rooftop-first approach when rolling out solar renewables across the country, while 97% agreed that rooftop solar should be a standard requirement on all new housing.

Read more at https://www.cpre.org.uk/news/our-rooftop-renewables-supporter-survey-the-results/