Abbotsley Solar Farm

Abbotsley Solar Farm

In late January we objected to a planning application for a solar farm at Abbotsley, near St Neots. 

Our main concern was the loss of “Best and Most Versatile” (BMV) agricultural land - at least 81 % of the site is Grade 3a and above. The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) guides development away from "best and most versatile' agricultural land – Local Planning Authorities are advised to use poorer over higher quality agricultural land.  We also expressed concerned about the cumulative impact of solar development in the area.

For more information regarding CPRE views on solar farms see: a booklet produced by CPRE Essex, CPRE Herts and others National CPRE’S policy statement on solar energy National CPRE resources on renewable energy

To read more about our view on Agricultural Land Classifications go to