
Hedgerows Heroes Phase 3 – another successful year

The third year of CPRE’s Hedgerow Heroes project has come to a close, with planting and restoration targets exceeded and thousands of volunteers actively making a difference in their community for nature and climate.  Read more at

Hedgerows – a beginner’s guide

Father and daughter look at hedgerow plants

Father and daughter look at hedgerow plants

We’ve produced a hedgerows explainer, covering everything from defining what a hedgerow is, their history, what hedgerows do for us, and the threats they face.  Did you know…

CPRE says new hedgerow protections must be brought in 'before next election'

CPRE welcomes welcome the government’s extension of hedgerow protection and management measures, but we say that the protections must also be introduced before the next election, not simply ‘as soon as parliamentary time allows’. The regulations will include a two meter ‘buffer strip’ from the centre of hedgerows, and a hedge cutting ban between 1 March and 31 August. Read more at CPRE welcomes…

Take part in Hedgerow Help Out

father and daughter look at hedgerow plants

Join in with our Hedgelife Help Out between 1 and 31 May and help us build a nationwide picture of how healthy our hedgerows are.  It’s easy and enjoyable to do – see more

Huge campaign win as government sets hedgerow targets

"Hedgerow near Waterloo Farm, Huntingdon" by Richard Humphrey is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

CPRE is celebrating a big step forward for nature and climate as the government…