
Abbotsley Solar Farm

In late January we objected to a planning application for a solar farm at Abbotsley, near St Neots. 

Our main concern was the loss of “Best and Most Versatile” (BMV) agricultural land - at least 81 % of the site is Grade 3a and above. The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) guides development away from "best and most versatile' agricultural land – Local Planning Authorities are advised…

Mad – and maddening planning

Work continues: Cambridge UK by Prisoner 5413

Work continues: Cambridge UK by Prisoner 5413

CPRE Cambridgeshire and Peterborough issued a press release earlier this week highlighting the folly of the government’s ambitions to build 150,000 or more homes in and around Cambridge…

Owlstone Croft, Cambridge: Public Inquiry grants planning permission

We were disappointed to learn that the Public Inquiry has overturned the decision made by Cambridge City Council to refuse the planning application made by Queen’s College, Cambridge to develop Owlstone Croft. The appeal decision can be read here.


Update on amendment voted through by House of Lords on national planning policy

In September 2023 we reported that the House of Lords had voted through an amendment that ensured both the public and parliament have a say on any new national planning policy created by the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill (LURB). This new type of national planning policy – National Development Management Policies (NDMPs) – has caused major concerns since its introduction.

We can now…

Rethink Cambridge: CPRE, Anthony Browne MP and our response to the government’s housing plan

new building, west Cambridge site: Hugh Venables

new building, west Cambridge site: Hugh Venables

On Monday 24th July the government announced its long term housing plan.  CPRE Cambridgeshire and Peterborough has serious concerns about the government’s…