Wisbech Christmas Fayre, Sunday 11th December, 10am – 3pm, Wisbech

The Wisbech Christmas Fayre will feature be a wide range of stalls offering gifts and seasonal food, live music and dance, children's attractions and interactive family activities.  For more go to https://www.fenland.gov.uk/wisbechchristmasfayre

The Adventurers in the Great Fen, Saturday 10th December, 2.30pm – 4.30pm, Great Fen, Ramsey

The Adventurers - A new exploration of the archives. A presentation of content related to the Great Fen area.  To reserve a place please go to https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-adventurers-in-the-great-fen-tickets-444514313277

Hedgelaying Defined with Derrick Hale, online talk, Wednesday 7th December, 7pm – 9pm

Derrick will talk about the environmental and land management benefits of hedgelaying - how it came about and how long it has been practiced. To  find out more and book a free place go to https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/hedgelaying-defined-with-derrick-hale-tickets-468288261797?keep_tld=1

March Christmas Market, Sunday 4th December, 10am – 3pm, March

March celebrates its 10th Annual Christmas Market with over 100 stalls. Visit the Town Hall and Market Place for live entertainment and family activities.  Follow on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/fenlandevents

Adventurers in the Fens, online talk, Wednesday 30th November, 7pm – 8.30pm

The Word Garden presents a talk about a new exploration or the archives of the Proceedings of the Adventurers and the drainage of the Fens; new stories found and told.  To book a ticket go to https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/adventurers-in-the-fens-tickets-444746277087?keep_tld=1