Climate Change and Energy

Our goal is to avoid the damage to the countryside by encouraging a reduction in overall consumption and being more efficient with what we use.

Fracking Ban reinstated by new PM Rishi Sunak

Just 34 days after the moratorium was lifted by former PM Liz Truss, the ban on fracking has been reinstated by Rishi Sunak.

CPRE has long campaigned against fracking, and acted quickly to ensure that local voices were heard when the ban on fracking was lifted. Our petition campaign garnered the support of over 80,000 people, and sent a clear message to government: local communities didn’t…

Haddon Solar Energy Farm

In August, CPRE Cambridgeshire and Peterborough objected to a proposal to site a solar energy farm in Haddon, Huntingdonshire. We had a number of concerns – read our objection letter to see them in full.  In particular, the proposal would take out of production a significant area of good…