Haddon Solar Energy Farm

Haddon Solar Energy Farm

In August, CPRE Cambridgeshire and Peterborough objected to a proposal to site a solar energy farm in Haddon, Huntingdonshire. We had a number of concerns – read our objection letter to see them in full.  In particular, the proposal would take out of production a significant area of good agricultural land, at a time when food security is reducing, our farmers are experiencing drought, and a rapidly increasing rate of sea level rise is threatening the Fens. The proposal is in direct opposition to the advice of the Environmental Audit Committee to government to increase the proportion of food grown within the UK, and is inconsistent with required responses to the national and international issue of dwindling food supply due to climate change and conflict.

For more information regarding CPRE views on solar farms see:

 a booklet produced by CPRE Essex, CPRE Herts and others https://www.cprecambs.org.uk/campaigns-climate-change-and-energy/2022/06/15/the-problem-with-solar-farms/

https://www.cpre.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Feb-22_CPRE_Policy-statement-on-solar-energy.pdf National CPRE’S policy statement on solar energy

https://www.cpre.org.uk/what-we-care-about/climate-change-and-energy/renewable-energy/ National CPRE resources on renewable energy