Oxford Cambridge Arc: Creating a Vision - CPRE Response

Oxford Cambridge Arc: Creating a Vision - CPRE Response

 Arc Area

Our response has been prepared through collaboration between our national charity and the five local CPRE groups within the Arc area: Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Northamptonshire, Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire.

This response document is in three parts:

  • CPRE’s overall critique of the Oxford-Cambridge Arc as it has emerged so far;
  • CPRE’s agenda for what we would wish to see the Spatial Framework do;
  • Detailed comments in response to the consultation questions.

CPRE’s longstanding support for the concept of strategic spatial planning is predicated on the potential to deliver better, more sustainable and more integrated outcomes. Unfortunately, the Arc as currently proposed appears at risk of doing the opposite, in particular by detracting from the levelling up agenda and by missing a crucial opportunity to rise to the climate challenge.

Click here to download full details of our response.