CPRE manifesto for the next UK government launched

CPRE manifesto for the next UK government launched

St Ives – GR -  Gareth Ridewood

St Ives – GR, by Gareth Ridewood

As the 2023 party conferences begin, national CPRE has launched a manifesto for the next UK government, outlining four key areas of priority for the countryside, climate, communities and wildlife.

2024 looks set to be the year of an era-defining election, with the new government facing a myriad of environmental crises as well as a broken housing market.

We’re calling on all political parties to recognise the true value of the countryside and its vital role in answering the nation’s challenges.  Read more at https://www.cpre.org.uk/news/cpre-manifesto-for-the-next-uk-government-launched/