CPRE report shows that there are more Local Green Spaces, but deprived areas still lacking

CPRE report shows that there are more Local Green Spaces, but deprived areas still lacking

Bar Hill Village Green and Hall

CPRE’s 2023 Local Green Spaces (LGS) report shows that there has been an increase in LGS designations, but deprived communities remain under-served.

LGSs were introduced in 2012 to give Green Belt-like protections to smaller areas of land that are often identified by communities themselves. Since then, 7,286 LGS have been designated in total, for reasons including their recreational value, beauty and importance for wildlife.

To read more go to https://www.cpre.org.uk/news/more-local-green-spaces-but-deprived-areas-still-lacking-our-report-shows/

The full report can be downloaded from https://www.cpre.org.uk/resources/local-green-spaces-report-2023/

To learn more about how local communities can protect their valued green spaces, see our guide https://www.cprecambs.org.uk/downloads/local%20community%20designations%20guide.pdf