We’re saying no to Rookery Farm Solar Farm

We’re saying no to Rookery Farm Solar Farm

Gareth Ridewood

Photo: Gareth Ridewood

CPRE Cambridgeshire and Peterborough has objected to an application for a Solar Farm and Battery Energy Storage System at Rookery Farm, Stow Longa.  You can read our detailed letter of objection here.  In summary, our objections include: 

  • The proposal not being compliant with National Planning Policy, Local Planning Policy, or the Huntingdonshire Landscape and Townscape Supplementary Planning Document 2022. 

  • Concerns about the loss of a significant area of good agricultural land, particularly set against the national and international issue of dwindling food supply due to climate change and conflict and our need to increase the proportion of food grown within the UK. 

  • The significant adverse impact on residential and visual amenity. 

  • The possible risk to safety on specific local roads which are of strategic importance. 

  • Unacceptable levels of harm to local landscapes and to views across the countryside as well as significant harm to the historic landscape pattern.  

  • Security lighting which will be disturbing to residents and wildlife in a known Dark Sky area of high tranquility, and will negate the County Council’s investment in LED street lights which reduce visibility and sky-glow. 

  • Concerns about plans for the safe decommissioning of the site and the recycling or reuse of the materials removed, and the funds to do so. 

  • A full carbon lifecycle analysis has not been carried out for this installation, without which it cannot be claimed to be sustainable.