
Better Ways for Busways! (BW4B!) - update

On 23rd August the BWB4 campaign group is hosting a briefing session for Councillors and the Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP) on 23rd August with to explain their alternative proposal in detail.  A briefing note can be read here.

To read more about the campaign and BW4B’s alternative…

Building on our food security

CPRE Cambridgeshire and Peterborough continues to be concerned about the ever-present threat to our farmland.  The DEFRA national land classification map shows just what a high proportion of Grade 1 and Grade 2 agricultural land – the “best and most versatile” -   is in Cambridgeshire.  In fact, the East of England has more Grade 1 and Grade 2 land than any other region in England.

Read more | Aug 23, 2023

Cambridge University: Educator – or Developer?

Cambridge Green Belt

CPRE’s new State of the Green Belt report finds that the Green Belt is being overlooked as a key solution to climate change, the decline of nature and food security vulnerabilities. The report argues the Green Belt, which protects 12.5% of England’s land area from development, should become…

Friends of the Cam’s campaigning work to restore the health of the river Cam

River Cam at Grantchester Meadows, England by *rboed* is licensed under CC BY 2.0

River Cam at Grantchester Meadows, England by *rboed* is licensed under CC BY 2.0

CPRE Cambridgeshire and Peterborough supports the Friends of the Cam’s campaigning work to restore…

Mere Way, aka Akeman Street

Mere Way (Jude Sutton)

 Mere Way, aka Akeman Street (by Jude Sutton)

We were approached by local residents and groups concerned about the activities of Urban & Civic and Cambridgeshire County Council Highways to transform the Mere Way ancient trackway,…