
NIMBY? We won’t have a back yard to NOT build in!

Building site - Cambridge - - 2438424

Building site - Cambridge - - 2438424" by Sandy B

We say that Cambridgeshire residents who resist major developments could never be accused of nimbyism – because they won’t have a backyard…

Opposition to development halves if new homes are affordable, poll finds

New polling by YouGov commissioned by CPRE has revealed that people are half as likely to oppose new housing in their local area if the homes were affordable to people on average local incomes.

Whereas 41% said they did not want to see the construction of more homes close to where they live, that proportion fell to 20% if those homes were locally affordable.  Read more at

CPRE report shows housing crisis poses threat to survival of rural communities

New housing by Hugh Venables

New housing by Hugh Venables

The report, entitled ‘Unraveling a crisis: the state of rural affordable housing in England’, launched on 28th November and lays bare the impact of this crisis on real people, along with what is needed to fix…

Rethink Cambridge: CPRE, Anthony Browne MP and our response to the government’s housing plan

new building, west Cambridge site: Hugh Venables

new building, west Cambridge site: Hugh Venables

On Monday 24th July the government announced its long term housing plan.  CPRE Cambridgeshire and Peterborough has serious concerns about the government’s…

CPRE says Home Builder’s Federation’s housing slump claim is ‘fear mongering’

New building, West Cambridge Site by Hugh Venables

New building, West Cambridge Site by Hugh Venables

CPRE strongly disagrees with claims made by The Home Builder’s that changes to planning policy could lead to a huge slump in the number of homes built annually.…