
Environment Agency update on drought in East Anglia

The November Environment Agency Drought update details an improved situation and a return to ‘Normal’ status across all catchments in East Anglia Area. The Environment Agency will continue to monitor and report on the situation, producing regular water situation reports available at  The November update can be read here (please embed…

Environment Agency update on drought in East Anglia

The September Environment Agency Drought update shows an improving situation which enables Broadland Rivers, North Norfolk and North-West Norfolk catchments to move from ‘Drought’ into ‘Recovery’. The Upper Bedford Ouse, Cam & Ely Ouse, East Suffolk and Essex catchments remain in ‘Recovery’ whilst the Old Bedford & Middle Level is ‘Normal’. The September update can be read

Environment Agency Update on Drought in East Anglia

The July Environment Agency Drought update shows that, apart from one area on the Ouse (see map, below) and North Norfolk, which remains in drought, the whole of East Anglia is in “recovering drought”.  River flows are very low. Many rivers including the Cam have experienced dead fish events due to low water flow and hot weather causing low dissolved oxygen levels. Despite heavy rainfall in Feb…

Environment Agency Update on Drought in East Anglia

The latest Environment Agency Drought update briefing can be found here. Following a very dry February the area has benefitted from well above average rainfall in March. This has resulted in an extended groundwater recharge season and has improved conditions in some catchments, although the…

Environment Agency Update on Drought in East Anglia

The latest Environment Agency Drought update briefing can be found here. Most of East Anglia area remains in drought despite receiving above or near average rainfall over the winter months. The Environment Agency’s data is showing that the river ecology is still showing signs of stress and…