
Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) – why we’re saying no to its relocation to Honey Hill

Honey Hill by Andy Field

Honey Hill by Andy Field

In November we wrote to the Planning Inspectorate outlining our objections to Anglian Water’s proposal to relocate the Cambridge WWTP from Milton to Honey Hill, which is in the Cambridge Green Belt. We’ve previously responded to Anglian…

Octavia Hill’s vision for the Green Belt

Clare Armstrong, a descendant of Octavia Hill, sets out her ancestor’s vision for the Green Belt in this article

We are proud of our local connection to social reformer and campaigner Octavia Hill, who was born in…

Big developers exploiting loophole to build on greenfield land

A new CPRE report shows how some big housing developers are still exploiting a loophole that enables them to appeal against refusal of planning permission, even in our most iconic landscapes.

CPRE is urgently calling for proposed changes to the planning rules that would stop this happening. The proposed change to the National Policy Planning Framework in last December’s consultation would…