

We share many of the aspirations of these organisations - for a greener, cleaner, more environmentally-friendly planet that values nature.

Like us, they most likely want a vibrant countryside that can accommodate multiple different needs now and long into the future. That means thriving human communities with appropriate infrastructure and services, sensibly scaled and environmentally-friendly new development that does not overwhelm established villages, local employment, and local food production and outlets.

Many of them strive to protect heritage, landscape, nature, and wildlife from further damage. Some are campaign groups fighting to raise awareness of a particular issue. Some are charities, some privately-owned, some membership-based. We are very pleased to be helping raise awareness of their existence and their causes and passions.

If you are part of a similar organisation not listed here, preferably with a local connection to Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, and would like to be included, please contact us via with a link to your website and / or Facebook or Twitter account(s).

South East Cambridgeshire Badger Group

The South East Cambs Badger Group was formed in 2019 to promote and protect the badgers in our county.

Godmanchester Community Nursery

Godmanchester Community Nursery

Godmanchester Community Nursery is a unique horticultural project which aims to involve and educate the local community in gardening, and the natural environment. The 4.5 acres nursery and grounds are run by Godmanchester Town Council. The nursery includes several different areas including a vegetable garden and potager, an orchard growing local apple varieties and a range of plums, a winter aspect garden, a drought garden, a rose garden, a nuttery, and a bee garden.  Produce and plants are available to buy. 

The Rivers Trust

The Rivers Trust

The Rivers Trust works across Britain, Northern Ireland and Ireland to drive positive change for rivers, by stopping pollution, building climate resilience and helping nature’s recovery in rivers.

Their sewage map can be found here

Hundred Parishes

Hundred Parishes Society

The Hundred Parishes is an area of around 450 square miles of northwest Essex, northeast Hertfordshire and southern Cambridgeshire that is largely unspoilt and is richly endowed with many fine examples of agricultural and built heritage. The Society aims to increase awareness, enjoyment and care of the Hundred Parishes.

Stop the Arc

Stop the Arc Group (STARC)

Stop the Arc campaigns to stop disproportionate development of the land from Oxford to Cambridge. They are calling for an end to the Oxford-Cambridge Arc while supporting fair, democratic and local development.

New Life on the Old West

New Life on the Old West will deliver wildlife habitat enhancements in green spaces and surrounding countryside within areas close to the Old West River in the Cambridgeshire Fens.

A programme of events can be found at  

YANA Rural mental health support

YANA: You Are Not Alone

YANA: confidential help and support for those involved in farming and other rural businesses affected by stress and depression.


Community Planning Alliance

Community Planning Alliance

Founded in March 2021, the Community Planning Alliance aims to provide support, resources and training for grassroots campaign groups, and to lobby for change. Their website includes an interactive campaigns map.

Better Ways For Busways

Better Ways for Busways! (BW4B!)

Better ways for Busways! (BW4B!) is a campaigning group reflecting the views of local residents, employers, parish councils and environmental organisations.  BW4B propose adding a dedicated bus lane to the A1307 with a new access road into Addenbrookes, which avoids cutting through the green belt.


PECT (Peterborough Environment City Trust)

PECT is an environmental charity that aims to make places better for people and the planet. They promote sustainable practices to help protect our environment now and to leave a legacy for future generations. Positive change to create greener, happier, healthier places is at the heart of what they do, and they deliver innovative projects of local, regional and national significance, enabling change for a smarter future.

PECT’s Blueprint RE-Directory aims to make finding sustainable services more accessible for local communities to reduce their waste. Visit

Cambridgeshire Bat Group and

The Cambridgeshire Bat Group is a partner group of the Bat Conservation Trust (BCT). They carry out research and conservation, and educate the public about bats through public talks and events.

Click the links to download a film of a rare Nathusius Pipistrelle bat being rescued from a garden in Haddenham or view the videos below. Video 1 and Video 2. Note: these are in MP4 format.

For information about the national Bat Conservation Trust, go to

Cambridge Approaches

Cambridge Approaches & &

Formed in July 2020, Cambridge Approaches is a grassroots organisation focussed on ensuring the best route is found for the East West Rail (EWR) project. It presents evidence-based reviews that demonstrate a strong case for a full evaluation of a northern approach by EWR and the many disadvantages of its preferred ‘Option E’ between Cambourne and Cambridge.

Cambridge Natural History Society

Cambridge Natural History Society &

Founded in 1857 as Cambridge Entomological Society, Cambridge Natural History Society is open to everyone interested in Natural History – including zoology, botany, ecology, entomology, palaeontology, conservation and the environment. Is undertaking a project surveying the natural history of the city of Cambridge based on an 8 km x 8 km square roughly centred on Mill Road Cemetery:

 Cambridgeshire Garden Trust

Cambridgeshire Gardens Trust

Formed in 1997, the Trust exists to raise public awareness and understanding of the value of landscapes, parks and gardens as part of local and national heritage, with a particular emphasis on Cambridgeshire.

 Cambridgeshire Mammal Group

Cambridgeshire Mammal Group &

A group of volunteers working for the conservation and protection of wild mammals in Cambridgeshire. Survey and record the presence and activities of e.g. otters, badgers, water voles and small mammals such as mice, shrews and voles. These records are consulted by developers and are vital in helping prevent illegal interference on land. Also monitor changes in mammal populations following changes in land use e.g. creation of new woodlands or wetlands. Authors of the Cambridgeshire Mammal Atlas

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Environmental Records Centre

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Environmental Records Centre - &

 The main source of natural history and protected species information for the whole of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough. Collate, manage and store data that describe biodiversity in the local area for anyone making decisions which may impact on wildlife or wildlife habitat e.g. planning and environmental departments within local government authorities, private sector consultants and others with an interest in environmental information.

Chalk Aquifier Alliance

Chalk Aquifer Alliance - & &

A network of river groups and organisations standing up for chalk streams across the chalk aquifer of England, supporting the restoration and protection of water quality and flows in our chalk streams and the reduction of abstraction to sustainable levels.


CoFarm Cambridge and CoFarm Estate Ltd are wholly-owned trading subsidiaries of the CoFarm Foundation, a registered charity established in 2019. CoFarm Cambridge, off Barnwell Road next to Coldhams Common, consists of 7-acres of privately-owned agricultural land in the Green Belt, and is the city’s first community farm: CoFarm Estate Ltd exists to enable the creation of a distributed network of community farms across the UK, at least one in every local authority by 2030:

Countryside Restoration Trust

Countryside Regeneration Trust - & &

The CRT was established in 1993 by farmer, journalist and conservationist, Robin Page and the late artist and conservationist, Gordon Beningfield. The CRT’s vision is to create a living, working countryside. By using sensitive and wildlife-friendly farming practices they aim to regenerate, encourage and protect wildlife and the landscape, whilst producing high-quality produce.

Croxton Park

Croxton Park - & &

A private estate operating a mixed organic farm of cattle, sheep and pigs, and sensitively managed woodland on an ancient settlement recorded in the Domesday Book. Registered in Natural England's Higher Level Stewardship environmental scheme, and are a designated Cambridgeshire County Wildlife Site. Provide free educational visits on food production to schools and educational organisations.


The Federation of Cambridge Residents’ Associations (FeCRA) - & &

A grassroots civic voice for everyone in Cambridge and for its environment, enabling residents to shape its development to achieve balanced communities and quality of life. Membership includes c. 100 Residents Associations and community groups, including environmental and cultural/heritage groups.

Friends of the Cam

Friends of the Cam -

Formed in 2021, the Friends of the Cam are a Cambridge-based campaigning group committed to restoring the health of the river Cam and its tributaries for the benefit of nature. They are pledged to ending pollution of the river and over-abstraction linked to unsustainable growth in the area. They have developed a charter to express these commitments which others are invited to sign.

Haddenham Conservation Society

Haddenham Conservation Society -

Founded in 1985 by a group of local residents. Since then it has undertaken habitat and wildlife surveys of the local parish (two-thirds fenland and one-third higher land); published booklets on the Flora and Fauna of Haddenham and The Birds of Haddenham; planted a 1.5 acre woodland in Hillrow Fen, and a 9-acre woodland next to the Old West River in the fen near to Aldreth; established a wildlife garden. It maintains a detailed flora and fauna record and runs highly successful winter talks from October until April.

Holt Island Nature Reserve

Holt Island Nature Reserve - &

Friends of Holt Island Nature Reserve manage this seven-acre wet woodland island habitat on the River Great Ouse in St Ives. The reserve provides a variety of habitats which attract a wide range of birds, mammals, plants and insects. Visitors are welcome. A circular raised boardwalk provides access for wheelchairs and prams.

Keep Britain Tidy

Keep Britain Tidy - & &

Keep Britain Tidy is an independent environmental charity founded in 1954 that fights for people’s right to live and work in a place of which they can be proud. It inspires people to be litter-free, to waste less and to live more and believes that caring for the environment is the first step to a better society.

Langdyke Trust

The Langdyke Countryside Trust - & &

The Langdyke Countryside Trust is a community organisation founded in 1999 to try and reverse decades of habitat and species loss around Peterborough and Stamford. Today it remains as dedicated as ever to that objective and to the preservation and conservation of the natural and built heritage in the region. It currently manages seven thriving nature reserves.

Nature Friendly Farming Network

Nature Friendly Farming Network - & &

The Nature Friendly Farming Network promotes sustainable and nature-friendly farming. Membership is free and open to farmers big and small, organic and conventional, and to anyone interested in nature and protecting the environment.

Need not Greed Oxon

Need not Greed Oxon - 

A coalition of local groups and individuals that have come together to campaign for a future that respects the views of local people in Oxfordshire, plans for “need not greed” and protects the environment. CPRE Oxfordshire provides the Secretariat for the coalition.

Prospects Trust

Prospects Trust - & &

An 18 acre organic care farm run by the Prospects Trust. Provides therapeutic horticulture to people with learning difficulties, disabilities and those with varying health needs. The “Veg Shed” sells just-harvested, organic seasonal produce.

RECAP - The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Waste Partnership - & &

RECAP aims to increase recycling and improve waste services in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. It is a partnership of the district councils of Cambridgeshire, Cambridge City Council and Peterborough City Council.

Swavesey Community Orchard -

A community orchard established in 2019 on Church Green; run by its membership, which is open to all Swavesey residents. Aims to create, develop and maintain one or more Community Orchards for the benefit of local people, visitors and wildlife; to grow and conserve a mix of local varieties of fruit trees that can include apples, plums, pears, cherries and nuts; to offer a peaceful environment and a place for recreation, learning and practical activities relevant to the orchard; and to grow fruit that can be harvested and shared, leaving at least 10% for wildlife.

Transport Action Network

Transport Action Network - & &

Established in 2019 by seasoned campaigners Chris Todd and Rebecca Lush to help support people and groups press for more sustainable transport in England and Wales. This involves fighting cuts to bus services, particularly in rural areas, and opposing damaging road schemes and large unsustainable developments.

Trumpington Community Orchard - &

A not-for-profit community orchard, run entirely by volunteers, that was founded in 2007 with help from Cambridge City Council, BBC Breathing Places and the Co-Operative Bank. Its aims are to improve biodiversity and habitat for wildlife and plants, maintaining a community green space with free public access. It was planted in 2008-9 with apple varieties of Cambridgeshire origin. Volunteers are always welcome.

It is located at the far end of Trumpington Allotments, behind Foster Road, Trumpington, Cambridge, CB2 9JP.


The best way to keep in touch for events etc. is via Facebook.