Reedbeds at FowlmerePhoto: © Jean Prince
Below are some of the many things you could get involved with at your local CPRE branch.
If you know about the planning process, you could help to assess local planning applications. If you don't know how, we would be happy to teach you. We need people to keep an eye out for potential large scale developments in their local area – those that would have a significant effect on the character of the local landscape. It may be as simple as keeping us informed of new developments. Our Eyes and ears scheme is a good way to do that. Or you can take a more active role for which you will receive training.
You could organise photo opportunities, create newsletters, website and campaign material for us.
We need volunteers who are willing to speak to councillors, MPs and local authority officers about CPRE's campaigns on our behalf.
Help our fundraising efforts or use your skills and imagination to develop our fundraising potential.
We are always in need of people who can give a few hours at stalls at local shows and events or use their co-ordination skills to set up an event for us.
Deliver campaign leaflets.
Provide assistance with mailings, funding applications or letter writing.
For an informal chat about volunteering for us, please contact us at and we’ll get back to you by e-mail or phone. For details about our current roles and online application form click here
© CPRE | Cambridgeshire & Peterborough, The Town Hall, Market Hill, St Ives, Cambridgeshire, PE27 5AL
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