Our Vision

CPRE, the countryside charity, has a new strategy for the next six years up to our centenary. We aim to involve a million people in speaking up for the countryside through three main areas:

  • Connecting people with the countryside
  • Promoting rural life
  • Empowering communities to improve and protect their local environment

We want a thriving, beautiful countryside for everyone.

Our Vision for the Countryside

We’re working for a countryside that’s rich in nature, accessible to everyone and playing a crucial role in responding to the climate emergency. We’re advocating nationwide for the kind of countryside we all aspire to: one with sustainable, healthy communities and available to more people than ever, including those who haven’t benefited before. We stand for a countryside that enriches all of our lives, nourishing our wellbeing, and that we in turn nourish, protect and celebrate.

To see CPRE’s Strategy for 2024-26 go to https://www.cpre.org.uk/resources/cpre-strategy-2024-26/